Thursday, August 17, 2017

A New Start

Whether a new student, a transferring student, or a returning student, all students feel a little worried and concerned about the first week in class. Did they get the right book? How difficult is this professor going to be? I need to do well in this class to get a better GPA, earn my degree/certificate, and/or transfer to another university.  For every student, higher education can bring a little anxiety and a lot of stress. For students with disabilities, it is heightened. Students with disabilities may be taking a class for the second or third time due to comprehension differences or inaccessibility. The student may feel uncomfortable due to communication difficulties, social anxieties or learning differences.

As we settle in for our first week of the semester, let’s keep in mind that our students come from different walks of life, and are all facing their own internal struggles to succeed academically, socially and emotionally. One feature of our Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is to help students successfully begin their academic journey, and stay on the mark towards graduation.
Thomas Friedman reminds us that great professors and parents make a huge difference in a student’s achievement. Through collaboration, the students benefit from our collective skills and intelligence. In the spirit of collaboration, the Access Center is here as a resource for professors, parents and students. Please feel free to contact us throughout the semester to set up an Access Meeting. In Access Meetings, students, instructors and Access Center staff meet together so the students may ask questions and the instructors may clarify expectations. By working together we can help students begin the semester with confidence!